Latest Post Update: April 14, 2016
Thursday, April 21, 2016 (Private Showcase)
The Hospital Club | London, UK - 8:00 PM show
24, Endell Street
Judith Owen featuring Leland Sklar, Gabriella Swallow & Pedro Segundo and special friends.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
The Thief | Oslo, Norway - 7:15 PM
Landgangen 1, 0252 Oslo, Norway
Judith Owen featuring the legendary Leland Sklar with Pedro Segundo and Gabriella Swallow showcase the upcoming “Somebody’s Child” album.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Barcelona Guitar Festival - Barts Club | Barcelona, Spain - 9:00 PM
Av. del Parallel, 62
Judith Owen & Leland Sklar Duet.
tickets: www.theproject.es
Monday, May 16, 2016
Galileo Galilei | Madrid, Spain - 9:00 PM
Calle de Galileo, 100
Judith Owen & the legendary Leland Sklar with Pedro Segundo.
tickets: www.ticketea.com
Friday, May 20 & Saturday, May 21, 2016
The Crazy Coqs at Brasserie Zedel | London, UK - 8:00 PM show
20 Sherwood Street, London W1F 7ED United Kingdom
The Crazy Coqs – Exclusive “Somebody’s Child” intimate shows
Judith Owen featuring Leland Sklar, Pedro Segundo and Gabriella Swallow.
tickets: www.brasseriezedel.com
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Powerhouse Theatre | Brisbane Queensland - 6:30 PM
119 Lamington Street Brisbane, QLD 4005 Australia
Harry Shearer and Judith Owen bring “This Infernal Racket” featuring the legendary Leland Sklar, CJ Vanston and Pedro Segundo.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Dunstan Playhouse | Festival Dr, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia - 6:30 PM
Harry Shearer and Judith Owen bring “This Infernal Racket” featuring the legendary Leland Sklar, CJ Vanston and Pedro Segundo.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Dunstan Playhouse | Festival Dr, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia - 9:00 PM
Harry Shearer and Judith Owen bring “This Infernal Racket” featuring the legendary Leland Sklar, CJ Vanston and Pedro Segundo.
Keep up with the ongoing tour updates at www.judithowen.net .
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