
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

More Lee & friends at Judith Owen & Harry Shearer's Holiday Sing-Along

Judith Owen & Harry Shearer's Holiday Sing-Along - December 16, 2011 - L to R: CJ Vanston, Lee, Harry Shearer, Steve Lukather

BeardBassman has just sent us some more snapshots from the annual Holiday Sing-Along with Judith Owen and Harry Shearer at The Broad Stage in Santa Monica, California. Thank you BB, and Happy Holidays to you all once again!

Judith Owen & Harry Shearer's Holiday Sing-Along - December 16, 2011 - L to R: Randy Minkler, CJ Vanston, Steve Lukather, Michael McKean, Lee, Richard Thompson, Harry Shearer, Joe Pusateri

Judith Owen & Harry Shearer's Holiday Sing-Along - December 16, 2011 - Joe Pusateri drum kit

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lee & friends at Judith Owen & Harry Shearer's Holiday Sing-Along

Judith Owen & Harry Shearer's Holiday Sing-Along - December 16, 2011 - L to R: Julia Fordham, Jane Lynch, Lee Sklar, Steve Lukather, Harry Shearer, Michael McKean

Always on the prowl for Lee Sklar-connected events, BeardBassman has just sent us some snapshots from the annual Holiday Sing-Along with Judith Owen and Harry Shearer at The Broad Stage in Santa Monica, California. The concert was held on Friday the 16th with a number of prestigious guests including Julia Fordham, Steve Lukather, Jane Lynch, Michael McKean, Annette O'Toole and guitar virtuoso Richard Thompson. Cool beans BB, and Happy Holidays to you all!

Judith Owen & Harry Shearer's Holiday Sing-Along - December 16, 2011 - L to R: Jane Lynch, Annette O'Toole, Michael McKean, Harry Shearer

Judith Owen & Harry Shearer's Holiday Sing-Along - December 16, 2011 - Richard Thompson

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Master Class With Lee

A couple of days ago, on Tuesday the 13th of December, Lee taught a Master Class for a group of young kids at the Academia de Musica Fermatta in Mexico City. Now, thanks to our roving reporter BeardBassman, you can view a couple of pictures taken on the occasion. Thanks BB…!

Lee & Class - Academia de Musica Fermatta, Mexico City - Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

Master Class Announcement - Academia de Musica Fermatta, Mexico City - Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

What's New...

First of all, thanks to all of you folks out there for checking out our blog: BeardBassman and I are sending you our best wishes for a Great Holiday Season!

Remember the Buddy Holly - Listen To Me special we talked about a few weeks ago? The PBS website is currently displaying airing times, so in case you want to have a look at them - and at the broadcast - you can click → here.

Scrapbooks are a new pictorial addition to the blog. When you see this symbol → 
❏  next to a title in the Blog Archive column on the right, it means that a number of special pictures from Lee’s own archives have been added to the entry in question. You can check them out at the bottom of each post. These are the posts that have been Scrapbooked so far:

Vince Gill (w/Scrapbook ❏)
Please keep your eyes open as we’re adding new pictures daily, and soon there will be an actual Scrapbook Page with even more stuff to enjoy.

Are you in doubt on what to give as a holiday gift to your global friends and neighbors? Check out Maureen’s (Lee’s wife) new partner venture Italialicious for top quality Italian gourmet food to be dispatched everywhere on the face of the Earth. It is → here.

..and keep checking out Bass Routes as a lot of new posts are about to be published…


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Italialicious is born!

Lee’s wife, Maureen, has just started a new partner venture: it is called Italialicious, and Lee wants to share the excitement of this new project/adventure with all his friends out there. Italialicious is all about top quality Italian gourmet food, and you can find all the info you need, plus a worldwide online store for your shopping and gift-giving, by visiting their website at the following link (click → here). Great idea Maureen & friends, and buon appetito!